This is why yall can’t maintain a relationship (PG-13 for profanity)

Ever wonder why you feel so comfortable around friends but seem to lose comfort with your relationship partner?


Yall are fucking up. 

Most couples treat a relationship like a job, a burden, something we do because it’s “expected.” Most couples assume they should spend the majority of their time on actions related to their partner and that all their personal endeavors should be secondary to the relationship’s.


Imagine if you treated your friendships like this. Always setting aside everything just to be present for your friend. Keeping all your space and time on pause for your friend’s. That friendship would turn bitter and empty and before long, you’d check TF out of that friendship entirely.

And that’s what I mean about most people in relationships are fucking up.


Two people who commit to being each other’s Point B, place of return.

Or “home base” like in a game of tag, The place you can run to when you need rest.

Or see your partner as your “retreat” or “space of restoration.”

AND of course as someone you connect with sexually and conversationally. This is the person you share your dreams and fears, your challenges and successes.

And what this does for both of you: is allow you to THRIVE.

Relationships are meant to empower TWO INDIVIDUALS to be the greatest of who they are. 

We need a point of contact, a nurturer, but what we don’t need is a burden, so why would we force our relationships to become a weight on us.


Peace. Salam. Om. Sabaali.

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